Do you have any hidden talents or skills?
Hidden? I make a mean crepe! Not hidden=play drums, sing, lots of arts and crafts
What is your favorite sport?
To watch, basketball. To participate, Bocce ball.
What is your dream vacation?
Azores (home of the Atlantic Islanders, my people!)
What is your favorite movie or book?
Movies==”Charly” with Cliff Robertson, “Father Goose” with Cary Grant, “The Fisher King” with Robin Williams. Book==Maniac McGee
What is your favorite verse and why?
Matt 5:16—Keeps me from being prideful
What do you love most about NCAP?
Integrity and genuine caring attitude
Why do you like teaching at NCAP?
Outstanding support for teachers from Admin, parents, even BNG
What is one word that best describes the school? Tell us why you chose that word.
Loving–covers a lot of bases and visitors notice this quality quickly
How is biblical truth integrated into your classroom?
God is creator of everything including our minds (intellect). All good; the good work work we do or witness is because of the gifts and blessings from God.
What is a unique experience, talent or interest that you bring to your classroom to help shape the learning experience of your students?
Critical thinking—being able to explain our thought processes to defend our work effort
How do you make a spiritual impact on your students?
By demonstrating my own humility and gratitude daily
What sets NCAP students apart from other students?
I would like to think we instill in our students a willingness to consider a Christian World View with less cynicism than the general population (even other Christian Schools.) I am encouraged to think this based on the graduate testimonies from the recent video shared with us.