Distance Learning Update

Welcome to NorthCreek Academy – Distance Learning!

The Plan

School will start each day at 9:00 and instruction to fill a typical school day is planned (12:00 dismissal for Kindergarten/3:30 dismissal for grades 1-8). Just like a regular school day but with no traffic on Ygnacio! Yay!

Attendance and participation are expected. We are still working out how this will work, and we realize each family may need some flexibility as you adjust to this new paradigm, too.  Don’t worry – we have some flexibility built into the schedule for this first week to allow for this, and we are prepared with a lot of grace to get everyone up to speed!

After much thought, deliberation, and collaboration, we have landed on the following plan which integrates scheduled, live instruction with your child’s teacher(s) coupled with, for flexibility, recorded lessons and independent work assignments. Teachers will also be available with scheduled “office hours” during the day so they can continue to support your student(s) as they work through these independent assignments.

You’ll also see that we have protected time for your family to enjoy breaks together (30-minute mid-morning break for K-5, 45-minute lunch break for K-8). Grades 1-5 students also have an afternoon break and our JH schedule allows for short breaks throughout the day to make sure we are all moving our bodies. Finally, our enrichment team will continue to provide instruction for your students in Art (K-8), Latin (2-8), Library (K-5), Music/Band (K-5), and PE (K-8) via recorded lessons, links to digital resources, and live lessons with these awesome teachers.

There will no doubt be adjustments as we learn what works – and what doesn’t – but this is what we are aiming for at this time.

The Means

We will be utilizing on-line, virtual-learning platforms including GSuite for Education in order to facilitate learning.

Every morning, each student will log into his or her virtual classroom using his/her NorthCreek Academy credentials to start the day.

From their on-line classroom site, students will be able to join their teacher’s virtual classroom.  By simply clicking a link, students will be able to join their teacher(s) for live instruction and for their informal “Office Hour” support/conferencing.


Tech support is available by email. And don’t worry – someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Our support team is available to assist with the bulk of this set-up. And, they will continue to be reachable by email, should you need support in the weeks to come.

In His grip,

Greg Steele
Administrator and Principal

Next Steps

We hope you prayerfully consider NorthCreek and encourage you to take the proper steps in applying for our school. 

NorthCreek Academy and Preschool admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial aid programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.