Campus Life

Extended Care

Morning TK-8 Family Care

TK-8 Family Care opens at 7:30am Monday through Friday. The children play with games and toys, talk with friends, or work on homework. Students are excused 15 minutes before school begins to give them plenty of time to go to their lockers (junior high) and settle in their classrooms.


TKland is an optional after-school enrichment program for transitional kindergarten students. In addition to lunch and outdoor play time, each day includes a variety of fun and educational activities such as interest centers, learning games, arts and crafts, and science experiments. TKland provides students an opportunity to extend the morning’s learning activities and enjoy extra time with friends and teachers.

Family Care (after-school care) is not available for TK students on Fridays.


Kinderland is an optional after-school enrichment program for kindergarten students. In addition to lunch and outdoor play time, each day includes a variety of fun and educational activities designed to offer both enrichment and enjoyment in language arts, math, science, and more. Students enjoy arts and crafts, problem solving, auditory and visual perception activities, and extra time with friends and teachers.

Afternoon TK-8 Family Care

TK-8 Family Care provides optional before- and after-school care for transitional kindergarten – 8th grade students on days students attend school, including Early Release Wednesdays and minimum days. TK-8 Family Care is available on a drop-in basis; advance reservations are not required.

Morning Family Care7:30-9:00 amM-FTK-8th
TKland12:30-3:30 pm
M, T, ThTK only
Kinderland12:30-3:30 pmM, T, ThK only
Afternoon Family Care3:30-6:00 pm
2:00-6:00 pm
12:30-2:00 pm
12:30-3:30 pm
M, T, Th, F


Family Care is $9.00/hour billed in 15-minute increments. TKland and Kinderland are billed at a daily rate of $27 per day.


The Purpose of the NorthCreek Academy Jr. High Sports Program is to enhance the athletic abilities of the students, develop a better understanding of sports, and instill important life skills and values while demonstrating Christ-like attitudes as we strive to glorify Him in all we do.
League Information

NorthCreek Academy belongs to the Bay Area Christian Schools Athletic League (BACSAL). There are four divisions, North, East, West, and South with a total of 21 private Christian schools. Our regular season is played in the East Division along with Contra Costa Christian, San Ramon Christian, Tabernacle, and Walnut Creek Christian Academy.


NCA offers sports programs for both boys and girls in junior high. Cross Country, girls slow pitch softball and boys flag football are played in the fall, boys and girls basketball are played in the winter, soccer and volleyball are offered to both boys and girls in the spring. The athletes participate in their sport three days a week which includes two games and a practice. The teams will participate in the league tournament at the end of the season depending on their record in league.

For more information about our sports program, download the Sports Handbook.


Our coaches are hand selected based on their experience and relatability with the kids. All coaches are professing Christians representing a Bible-believing church. The coaches not only teach the fundamentals of the game but instill important moral values within each child in a team environment.

To contact our coaches, please e-mail the Athletic Director.

Odyssey of the Mind

Annual Events

K-5 Only

Odyssey of the Mind - All Year

NorthCreek Academy participates in an exciting program called Odyssey of the Mind. This extra curricular program meets once a week in the fall. The program is open to 1st-5th grade students who choose to participate. See the description above for more detailed information.

All Grades

Summer Improvement Challenge - June-August

Students are challenged at the end of the previous school-year to keep their brain sharp throughout the summer by completing daily tasks. They may choose to either read, exercise, type, pray or work on their math skills for a specific amount of time per day. Those who complete their daily tasks throughout the summer qualify to participate in a special themed event hosted by Mr. Steele.

Pancake Breakfast - September

Preschool through 8th grade families are invited to attend our annual Pancake Breakfast. This is an opportunity for fellowship and fun.

Student Council - September

The student body is governed by student council members who are elected each year by the student body themselves. Most positions are held by junior high students except the K-5 Chapel Coordinator or Publicity position which may be filled by a fifth grade student. Other positions include: President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Publicity, and Special Events Coordinator. After speeches are given and signs are hung throughout the campus, the students vote for their choice candidates. Council members must exhibit exemplary Christian character including Fruits of the Spirit, servant-like hearts, a regular prayer life, and unity with other members.

Veterans Day - November

Students are given the opportunity to invite one of our country’s Veterans to our annual assembly where we honor our Veterans with songs, a special message and desserts.

Science Mania Night - February

On this fun night, our science curriculum is on display from our Kindergarten, 1st, and 8th Grades. Kindergarten students display their robots, 1st Grade students display their inventions, and 8th Grade students host exploratorium-style exhibits. All school families are invited to attend this event.

Very Important Guest (Grandparents) Day - March

Very important guests (grandparents) of all TK-8 students are invited to our campus for a themed day of crafts, activity booths, and a special program. Grandparents and their grandchildren spend the day learning, playing and hearing God’s word together.

Band Concerts - May and December

Our 4th through 8th grade band students are out on display each Christmas and spring as they put on their own band concerts.

Good Friday Assembly - April

This is a special day where students walk through Jesus’ death on Good Friday. The day highlights 3 stations and concludes with a praise chapel highlighting Jesus’ resurrection.

National Day of Prayer - May

Our student council leads the student body in a special morning of prayer for groups such as our nation’s leaders, community leaders, churches, armed forces, schools, etc.

Field Day - June

Students team up in their “Squire Squads” (see Chapel below) and participate in several games throughout the morning before we break for summer. It is an annual highlight for all!

Junior High Activities


We offer a wide variety of electives offered by the JH teaching staff as well as other NCC or NCA staff members. Electives are offered 2 days a week on either Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. Elective courses include but are not limited to:

  • Debate
  • Drama
  • Electronics
  • Guitar
  • Praise Team
  • Science Fair Workshop
  • Spanish I & II
  • Study Skills (6th grade)
  • Media Productions
  • Woodworking

Eligible junior high students are given the opportunity to try out for our after school sports teams.  We offer softball, basketball, volleyball and soccer for girls and flag football, basketball, soccer and volleyball for boys. Students may also run in a cross country meet in October if interested.

To view more information about our athletics program, please visit the Athletics section above on this page.


Although debate is offered as an elective, the elective serves as time for our debate team to prepare for upcoming debates. Tryouts are held at the beginning of the year to be on the debate team. The team travels all over Northern California to compete against other schools in tournaments. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn how to think critically, organize their thoughts and present them in clear order.


Four to five times a year our junior high students get together for after school socials to provide a safe place for students to hang out outside of school. Some of our social events include but are not limited to an Amazing Race scavenger hunt, bowling, ice skating, roller skating, Sky High Sports Trampoline Park, Super Franks, Christmas party, Valentine’s pizza party, pool day for 6-7th grade, and Great America for 8th grade.

Spirit Week

Junior high students are split into teams to compete with all week. Teachers and volunteer parents lead their teams in cheers, attire and games each day as points are tallied based on those categories. Each morning, students are judged on themed costumes while later at lunch the teams compete in a small game. On Friday at the end of the week the students compete all afternoon in games and celebrate with a dessert party before the winning team is announced.

6th Grade Oudoor Science School

Every year the 6th grade students travel to Mount Hermon, Santa Cruz, for a weeklong outdoor education camp. Students learn about different ecosystems, plants, weather, animals, as well as survival skills. Afternoon recreation is included along with many adventure hikes.

7th Grade Coast Trip

7th grade students travel to Monterey to visit the aquarium and explore other educational spots for their day-long trip.

8th Grade Washington DC Trip

Every year the 8th grade students may visit our nation’s capitol for a week during spring break. This memorable trip is a highlight for our soon-to-be graduates and includes a guided tour of monuments, the White House, Capitol Building, Smithsonians, Arlington National Cemetary, etc.

For more information about upcoming events, check out our calendar!

Spiritual Life

NorthCreek Academy is deeply committed to developing character, values and spiritual development in our students. It is with great joy, commitment and hard work that NorthCreek Academy intentionally and systemically provides our students with opportunities to grow spiritually while they are entrusted to our care. NorthCreek Academy recognizes it has an immeasurable responsibility as ambassadors for Christ. As a staff we are deeply committed to our walks with the Lord and prayerfully desire our modeling to encourage our students and school community towards a greater understanding, knowledge and relationship with our Lord and Savior. Teachers and staff integrate scripture, biblical truth, and great commission perspective in a natural and unforced manner throughout the entire curriculum and in all activities of the school.  We humbly realize it must be the work of the Holy Spirit, but we intentionally offer opportunities for our students to embrace the Truth, serve others, and demonstrate Christ-like behavior.


Students attend chapel every Wednesday morning from 9:00 to 9:45 beginning with worship lead by our JH Praise Team followed by a message from our teachers. Chapels are themed each year by a book or a topic. Past themes include missions, Peacemakers, Fruits of the Spirit, etc.

Junior High

Students attend chapel every Wednesday morning beginning with worship lead by our Praise Team followed by a message from our teachers.

Squire Squads

Several times per year, students attend chapel in their “Squire Squad” groups (get it? Because we’re the Knights!). The groups consist of a junior high, upper elementary, and lower elementary student in the same gender. This gives our oldest students the opportunity to be a “big buddy” to the younger students and demonstrate leadership skills.

Class Devotionals

Home room teachers begin every morning with class devotionals and prayer.

National Day of Prayer

Our student council leads the student body in a special morning of prayer for groups such as our nation’s leaders, community leaders, churches, armed forces, schools, etc.

Good Friday Service

This is a special day where students walk through Jesus’ death on Good Friday. The day highlights 3 stations and concludes with a praise chapel highlighting Jesus’ resurrection.

NorthCreek News & Blog

The NorthCreek Church and Academy Administration announced in November, 2015, the plans to continue forward with our Phase III project which includes a new chapel and gymnasium! Since building our Phase II project, the current Worship Center, the school has held its PE program and recesses outside while our after school sports program have been renting facilities off-site. This is exciting news for our church and school families!...

After raising a grand total of over $165,000, all funds from this event were designated to our Phase III building project including the new gym, library and chapel as well as the financial aid program. ...

Next Steps

We hope you prayerfully consider NorthCreek and encourage you to take the proper steps in applying for our school. 

NorthCreek Academy and Preschool admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.