About NorthCreek

Founded in 1970, NorthCreek Preschool offers a Christian environment with age-appropriate activities that foster growth and development. Balancing child-initiated play and teacher-directed learning activities, the Preschool encourages independent thinking, experimentation and problem-solving. Our curriculum is Bible based with monthly Bible verses that help children learn who God is and how He would like us to treat others. Program features include interest centers, an introduction to phonics, language development, small-group directed learning, and exercises in perceptual motor and small motor skills.

Since 1999, the Academy has delivered a distinctly different Christian education through its classical approach, emphasizing mastery of the basics through chants, poems, songs and other valuable memory tools. While rich in language arts and history, which are at the heart of a classical education, the Academy has placed a strong emphasis on math and science curricula as well – ensuring a rigorous, well-rounded education. Beyond Bible as a course of study, we endeavor to integrate God’s Word throughout the program, within all subjects. Enrichment education is also essential to our classical approach. All students receive instruction from specialized teachers in music (choral and instrumental), art and PE, as well as Latin, which begins in second grade. Small class sizes in all grades enable staff to teach students, not merely manage them.

Junior high students continue to benefit from small class sizes under faculty members who teach from areas of passion and strength. The core curriculum for junior high includes Bible (a systematic study of God’s Word), Latin, history, language arts (including classic literature and an emphasis on writing skills), science, and math. To further address a classical viewpoint, students also receive formal logic training, P.E., and enrichment elective choices like debate, band and other fine arts disciplines. Junior High staff work closely as a team to provide caring guidance for students, striving for balanced student workloads while fostering best practices in the classroom.

In addition to rich core curriculum, the student body participates in such annual events as a Science Fair, Geography Bee, and varied service projects. Student government, league debates and athletics, as well as varied socials are offered, providing our students opportunities to grow well beyond the scope of the classroom.


NorthCreek Academy and Preschool are ministries of NorthCreek Church. The preschool opened its doors in 1970 and has grown to annually educate approximately 200 young children while focusing on biblical application.

It was later decided that NorthCreek should open its own elementary school and in 1999 NorthCreek Academy formed their first kindergarten classes. In 2000, the Academy added the first through fifth grades as the Lord provided more students to fill our classrooms. Our final addition of the junior high program took place in 2001 allowing our first 8th grade class of 11 students to graduate in the spring of 2004. Now, nearly 400 K-8 students attend the Academy.

Since 1999, the Academy has delivered a distinctly different Christian education through its classical approach, emphasizing mastery of the basics through chants, poems, songs and other valuable memory tools.

Our philosophy as a Classical Christian school is built upon a classical Christian model of education known as the Trivium, a commitment to biblical application, and developing a partnership with the family. Click the button below to learn more about Classical Christian Education.

Ministry of NorthCreek Church

Join us for our Sunday morning services at 9am or 11am.

Mission, Vision, & Values


Cultivating Academic Excellence, Imparting Biblical Truth, Proclaiming Christ, All for the Glory of God Alone


Our desire is to come alongside the family, providing a Christian school whose objective is the godly equipping of children.

Core Values

Absolute Truth

Sanctify them in the truth; your Word is truth.  (John 17:17 ESV)

NorthCreek’s staff is committed to helping students discover the truth as revealed in God’s Word and teaching students how to think with discernment. We emphasize the Word of God in all subjects and activities, and train our students to view life from a biblical perspective as they weigh everything against God’s Word.


May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence. (2 Peter 1:2-11 ESV)

Believing that Jesus Christ provides all that we need for life and godliness, we want to be certain that we focus on the Gospel so our children might know His message of salvation. All that we say and do should reflect His mind and heart for people to be reconciled to God and to each other. To that end, we make every effort to practice the teachings of Jesus in all areas and relationships of our school, beginning with our dedicated staff: qualified, caring educators who place their faith in Jesus Christ and are involved in a local evangelical, Protestant church.

Treasured Partnerships

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  (Proverbs 22:6 ESV)

God has entrusted parents with the responsibility of training up their children, and we view our role of providing biblical life instruction as an extension of that scriptural responsibility. We desire to partner with parents whose objective is the godly equipping of their children. We value parental involvement and are committed to working together for student success on all levels, welcoming parent assistance in classrooms, in the many special events held throughout the year, and in our service projects as well.

Vibrant Academics

You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul…You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. (Deuteronomy 11:18-19 ESV)

Our program is built upon the Classical Christian philosophy of education which emphasizes learning through the senses in the preschool years; the mastering of facts through jingles, rhymes and chants in the elementary years; and the honing of critical reasoning skills in the junior high years. Along with core academic subjects, all students have Bible, art, music and PE, with Latin beginning in second grade. Our junior high offers elective classes, music and after school sports programs, and trains students in debate. Our Learning Assistance Program offers help for students who need additional academic support.

Cultivating Excellence

Whatever you do, do it with all your might.” Ecclesiastes 9:10 or “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.  (Colossians 3:17 ESV)

We are committed to hard work and doing our best, expecting the same from our students as we train them in all things. We desire that our very lives and the school itself be known for our commitment to excellence, for the glory of God.

Campus Safety & Security

While the education of your children is what we pour our hearts into, the safety of our students is our top priority as well. In light of our nation’s recent events, our goal is to ensure our teachers and staff are well trained with the latest safety and health procedures. The teachers and staff turn to our Disaster Response Plan often throughout the school year, while the DRP is reviewed and updated annually by our leadership team to ensure its accuracy in equipping the staff.

Safety preparedness involves understanding events we might experience while on campus such as an earthquake, fire, chemical spill or even a trespasser. In order to be well prepared for such events, we have a part time School Wide Awareness Trainer (SWAT) on staff who evaluates and identifies everyday campus safety issues and concerns and then looks at ways to improve them.

Here are the highlights of what we’re doing throughout the year to keep your children safe.


All visitors accessing the campus while school is in session must check into the office to help ensure the safety and well-being of all students and staff.

Campus Access Policy


These drills are designed to prepare the campus for things such as chemical spills/releases.

Shelter in Place Drills


We don’t just run the same boring drill every month, we simulate blocked stairwells and pre-plan a displaced child, with parental permission to avoid complacency and keep our teachers and Buildings and Grounds crew on their toes.

Monthly Fire Drills


We keep an active list available to all staff personnel so they are clearly aware of children who, for whatever reason, are unable to be released to a particular person.

Do Not Release To List


We have restrooms designated for our students only near the playgrounds; no adults are to access these restrooms during the school day.

Student Only Restrooms


We have identified locations for an all school-evacuation, and continuously practice safe evacuations for students and staff through monthly drills.

Evacuation Plan


Our public announcement system throughout the CAMPUS enables us to keep everyone informed when there is valuable information that needs to be communicated.

Public Address System


This phone system allows us access to all families of the school in order to immediately inform them of events occurring on our campus.

Parent Alert


We conduct medical response drills throughout the year to ensure we are ready to respond to emergencies on the playground or in the classroom in a timely fashion.

Medical Drills

These are just some of the many steps we have taken to help us seek a secure campus and we are actively looking for ways to improve. Our School Wide Awareness Trainer, (SWAT), is charged with overseeing our campus safety.

Employee Interaction with Students

Next Steps

We hope you prayerfully consider NorthCreek and encourage you to take the proper steps in applying for our school. 

NorthCreek Academy and Preschool admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.