Brent and Casey Moutier

We are Brent and Casey Moutier and we have a daughter at the school and two graduates. What we value most about NorthCreek are the Biblical concepts taught in all subjects. We chose NorthCreek for our children because the Academy far exceeds anything we could dream of for an education for our children. The biblical foundation, exceptional teaching, quality of the curriculum were all aspects we respected and wanted to give our children. We have seen our children grow in their faith as a result of their experience at NorthCreek by doing as all children do, they watch those that lead.  The teachers at NCA have had a huge impact in shaping our children’s biblical worldview, deepening their faith, and challenged them to work out their differences and their potential. Our children have attended NCA from preschool through Jr High and we have seen them develop and grow into teens that can discern with sound biblical judgement and are prepared for the academic challenges of high school.